Over a thousand people cross into The United States daily. In El Paso alone, shelters there are being asked to find 750 new beds every day. The immigration situation there is so bad, to say things are quickly getting out of control would be an understatement. Chaos has already consumed the border with death, disease, hopelessness and heart break.
Are immigrants a threat you ask? How is a child a threat? How can a mom and her children fleeing her country looking for a better life cause erosion of national security? I struggle with these questions myself. There are always multiple solutions to any one problem. Some are better than others but is there an optimal solution for everyone involved? I believe there is, but the problem comes with responsibility and accountability.
The question is not who will be held accountable for the problems that ensue from this mad rush of migrants at our border. Everybody is quick to point the finger, but who will stand up and say, “The buck stops here.” Will Democrats take responsibility for outbreaks of deadly diseases these people bring with them to our country? Will republicans take responsibility for the lives lost when migrants die looking for a hole in the wall to find respite in our country? Which is the lesser of two evils?
The one thing I can tell you is that I applaud the efforts of our border security. They are doing the best they can with the training and resources they were given. Not to mention what it is that they are really there to do, secure our border. Are they supposed to be finding accommodations for all of these people? Are they supposed to be providing free medical care for these people? Are they responsible for parents dragging their children hundreds of miles through rough terrain only to show up at our border sick and on the brink of life? I have to argue that no, that is not what they are there to do, but they are doing it nonetheless.
The real solution to the problem at our border will require much more funding in order to properly house, feed, and process these immigrants according to our current laws. That is going to require responsibility and accountability from all of us. How much are you personally willing to give out of your own pocket in taxes to help the government fund this solution? We need warehouses setup with beds, food, first aid, security, civilian employees to process paperwork and much more in order to make our border a lean mean immigrant processing machine. What is it going to take to implement this and are we willing to do it? Is it our responsibility? Are we accountable for these people or are they accountable for their own choices?
It’s fair to be upset about the situation, whichever side of the fence you are standing on. But don’t sit there complaining about what the other side is doing or not doing, be a part of the solution not the problem. I hereby give you a PAM pass (Piss and Moan pass) if you try to come up with a solution to this problem… A REAL solution, meaning one that can pass congress and actually be implemented at our borders. Please post your solution in the comments below. If you participate then you can say, “Hey, I proposed a solution to this problem and nobody liked it. At least I tried, what did you do?” Then please, by all means, carry on with your PAM pass in hand.
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